
Like many programmers, I've had plenty of half-baked ideas in my spare time, but here are a few clean enough for public viewing.


A zero-dependency WebAssembly runtime.

My first serious Zig project, I started writing this as a way to learn about next-gen web technology. In the future, I see WebAssembly as not limited only to the web, but a serious contender for becoming a new platform-independent IR that can be easily translated to platform-dependent machine code, simplifying distribution and deployment toolchains. Though this started as a learning exercise, I'm excited to see how it can provide real value to other people.

Platforms: Windows, MacOS, and Linux



Handle-based array.

Zig is a great up-and-coming language with the potential to replace C. While writing a small asteroids game with it, I needed a handle-based, contiguous-memory data structure. I decided to publish a small standalone library that other people could use in their own projects.

The slotmap data structure concept has been around for a very long time, also known by other names such as "salted table" or "generational array". It's very popular in gamedev circles.

Platforms: Any



Array with address-stable memory that works by leveraging virtual memory.

Another zig project, and one that implements a container I find myself using more and more these days. Specify a large amount of uncommitted virtual up-front, and never worry about the overhead of large array resizes. Also good to use if you want to guarantee pointer stability when the array grows. Uses std.ArrayList semantics, so it's relatively quick to use as a drop-in replacement if needed.

Platforms: Windows, MacOS, and Linux.



A lightweight cross-platform game engine written in C11.

This started as an experiment in how to do things without any of the object-oriented or RAII paradigms of C++, and I quickly fell in love with the simplicity and cognitive load of C. I add more features to the library when I feel sufficiently motivated, though these days most of my development efforts have moved to Zig projects.

I'm bad at naming things, so I took a cue from the stb libraries and just used my initials.

Platforms: Windows, MacOS



Samples showing off features of the rjd APIs.

Platforms: Windows, MacOS
